The Suit

Poor Dayton is back in his tummy protection suit! with embroidery thanks to Idelle. He's been licking his tummy to the point of hurting himself (silly nutter), so this is our alternative to the plastic cone collar. He doesn't quite like it... generally, I carry him around - to the top of the lizard cage where it's nice and warm, to the bathroom sink where he likes to drink water, to the butcher's block to eat, to the litter box for business and to bed for cuddleies.
They love that lizard cage warm spot! That would be a good idea for pet furniture, in addition to a scratching post, all cats should get a nice warm box heated by a light bulb. Tell Dayton he looks sharp in his outfit, and the bunny princesses agree, "dogs are not too bright. Hmpf." (their words)
Cutest. Cat-outfit. Ever.
Love it!
Poor silly Dayton. If only he knew that the alternative was a collar! But I think he is too darling, getting carried all about, especially to cuddle!
OMG. Hilarious suit signage.
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